FTR.GAME - EarnMoney Site

Pusat distribusi

1.Platform Introduction:

We are a gaming company operating on a shared platform. The company allocates 90% of each recharge amount as commission to distribution channels. We strive to provide an opportunity for those who are entrepreneurial and actively seeking to earn money, creating a platform for passive income in the simplest way possible. To enhance mutual trust, all earnings are disbursed the next day, with zero risk involved. With just a smartphone and internet access, you can earn money. We believe you are the distributor we are looking for. Don't hesitate—take action now and earn money on the platform every day, improving your quality of life.

2.Product or Service Introduction:

● Earn 30% of the recharge amount (300000 VND) by referring one downline, receiving 90000 VND.

● Ensure a monthly earning of 8100000 VND by having three downlines recharge daily.

● Through a seven-tier distribution system, 90% of downline recharge amounts are returned to distribution channels. As long as you have a few downlines recharging, they will automatically help you earn money, and you only need to check your income and make withdrawals daily. The table below illustrates profit distribution when a member recharges 300000 VND.

{{num}} {{(percentage[key2] * 1).toFixed(0)}}% {{Math.round( has1stChc * percentages[key2])}}


A. Every member has an upline, including yourself. When you refer a downline to recharge, you earn 30% (1st tier), and your upline earns 15% (2nd tier)

B. Conversely, when your downline refers someone to recharge, they earn 30%, and you earn 15%, and so forth. With the organization of your downline actively promoting, many people will help you earn money every day.

3.Advantages for Distributors:

● Our distribution channel commission ranges from 30% to 90%, higher than most other brands (10%~30%).

● Enjoy passive income every day.

● Access real-time accurate financial reports to understand the operating models at each tier.

● Daily withdrawal of distributor commissions without any risk.

4.Collaboration Conditions:

● Start your distribution business as long as you are a formal member (level 5), without any additional financial requirements.

● Individuals with a large social media following and high traffic are particularly suitable as distributors.

5.Marketing Support:

● Distributors only need to introduce friends to register, and online customer service will guide them through the recharge process.

● Access 24/7 online customer service for assistance with all inquiries.

● The company organizes various promotional events to facilitate member promotion, with all expenses covered by the company, and commissions are not deducted based on a percentage.

● Currently, the company absorbs the 6% handling fee for withdrawal amounts.

6.Collaboration Process:

● Each distributor has an exclusive promotion code and QR code, which can be found in point 7 of the distribution center.

● Combine this promotion code with promotional copy and share it on all social media platforms you own, as shown in the table below:

WhatsApp Influencer Blogger FB Group Facebook
YOUTUBE Instagram Telegram Web Group Zalo
Twitter Messenger Dcard WeChat Line
TikTok LinkedIn VK Discord Pinterest
OK Zhihu Tumblr PPGames Snapchat

Cara menggunakan daftar pelanggan dealer

1. Jika aplikasi kualifikasi dealer berhasil, Anda dapat pergi ke latar belakang manajemen dealer untuk mengunduh daftar pelanggan.

2. Dealer bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan wawancara telepon dengan pelanggan satu per satu pada hari ketika daftar pelanggan diperoleh, dan menyelesaikan catatan wawancara secara online, GR akan mengevaluasi catatan tersebut.

3. Dealer mengunduh 30 daftar pelanggan setiap hari, dan mengumpulkan maksimum 200 daftar.

Untuk pelanggan yang telah menyelesaikan wawancara telepon dan catatan wawancara, jika tidak ingin menindaklanjuti, mereka dapat memilih untuk melepaskannya. Setelah rilis, ada kurang dari 200 daftar pelanggan kumulatif, yang dapat diisi ulang satu demi satu.

4. Sumber daya daftar pelanggan diperoleh oleh GR dengan biaya. Jika dealer gagal menyelesaikan 60% catatan wawancara dalam satu hari mengunduh daftar, itu akan dianggap sebagai melepaskan dukungan preferensial untuk mendapatkan daftar gratis . GR akan mengambil sumber daya daftar pelanggan yang sudah ada di tangan dealer.


status kontak ID nama Telepon Waktu penciptaan waktu masuk Jumlah putaran bulan tunai Jumlah wawancara Catatan wawancara
Saat ini tidak ada informasi
{{tick(item.status)}} {{}} {{}} {{}} {{item.created}} {{item.lastLoginAt}} {{item.betCount}} {{item.point}} {{item.InterviewsCount}} edit
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  • {{}}
  • {{}}
  • {{}}
  • Next
Daftar nilai tersimpan dalam waktu 30 hari:
ID nama Telepon Waktu penciptaan waktu masuk Jumlah putaran bulan tunai Jumlah wawancara Catatan wawancara
Saat ini tidak ada informasi
{{}} {{}} {{}} {{item.created}} {{item.lastLoginAt}} {{item.betCount}} {{item.point}} {{item.InterviewsCount}} Memeriksa
  • Previous
  • {{}}
  • {{}}
  • {{}}
  • Next

rentang tanggal : {{agentReportData.dateStart}}~{{agentReportData.dateEnd}}

Saat ini tidak ada informasi
jumlah anggota % bonus 總儲值量 總儲值獎金
{{level.totalMembers}} {{level.refundBase}} {{level.totalDeposit}} {{level.totalDepositBonus}}
Nomor keanggotaan Akun Anggota 儲值量 儲值獎金
Saat ini tidak ada informasi
{{}} {{item.username}} {{item.deposit}} {{item.depositRefund}}

profil anggota

Akun Anggota


Nilai tersimpan

Total nilai yang disimpan


Jumlah penarikan

Waktu online terakhir

Waktu membangun

Jumlah putaran bulan

Penyelesaian mata uang game

memiliki mata uang permainan

Tingkat kemenangan bulan ini

Tingkat Kemenangan Kumulatif



tanggal Wawancara dengan dealer isi
Saat ini tidak ada informasi
{{item.created}} {{item.username}} {{item.content}}

rentang tanggal


Tingkat rabat

Bonus Distribusi Bulan Ini

menang total

Jumlah teman yang valid

Daftar Teman Aktif

nomor akun taruhan yang valid Bonus distribusi menang total
Saat ini tidak ada informasi
{{item.username}} {{}} {{item.bonus}} {{item.loseWin}}
  • Previous
  • {{}}
  • {{}}
  • {{}}
  • Next

● The company provides promotional text and images to be placed in promotional copy.

● You can download and repost them on various social media platforms for advertising, ensuring to change the promotion code to your own.

[Teaching starts]

Step 1: Know the promotion code

The role of the promotion code: As long as members click on your advertising link, they can register. After the registration is completed, they will become your downline.

Kode referensi Anda QRcode

Step 2: Send your promotion code to FB with one click diffusion promotion mechanism to help you promote

Step 3: Sample Promotional Copy

Sample copy

Step 4: Open a Telegram Account

rentang tanggal : ~

kelas Downline member Downline recharge times Downline deposit value bonus ratio Minimum of downline deposit Allocated bonus Penarikan berhasil Latest Withdrawal Date Current people in total Unclaimed Latest amount received
{{totallevel[key2]}} {{memberAmount[key2]?memberAmount[key2]:0}} {{depositAmount[key2]?depositAmount[key2]:0}} {{(percentage[key2] * 1).toFixed(0)}}% {{people_tablet[key2]}} {{percentages[key2] ? ((depositAmount[key2]?depositAmount[key2]:0) * amountunit * percentages[key2]).toFixed(0):' '}} {{alwithdrawn[key2]}} {{newtime[key2]?newtime[key2]:' '}} {{membercounts[key2]}} {{nymoneys[key2]}} {{gettimes[key2]}}

※Waktu pembaruan laporan bonus harian adalah setiap hari pukul 12:15:00.

※Waktu bonus update adalah dari pukul 12:00:00 setiap hari hingga pukul 11:59:59 keesokan harinya. Waktu bonus adalah 12:10:00 setiap hari untuk mengklaim bonus di pusat bonus.
※Perhatikan bahwa setiap level harus memenuhi ketentuan penerimaan masing-masing. Misalnya, jika jumlah isi ulang di level kedua kurang dari 3 orang, tetapi jika jumlah orang di level ketiga mencapai 9, Anda tidak akan dapat menerima bonus di level ketiga.


1, Harus dihitung berdasarkan taruhan yang valid (setelah deposit pertama, pertukaran valid, dan dihitung dengan per bulan)

2, Biaya keuangan 7,5% akan dibayarkan saat agen menarik komisi.

Tujuan: Untuk dealer yang tertarik untuk secara aktif mengoperasikan jaringan hiburan ini, berikan umpan balik yang lebih tinggi untuk mencapai situasi win-win

  • {{title}}

    1. {{content}}